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Laura Pappa is a graphic designer based in Amsterdam.
Pillow Lava
Asterisk Summer School
Signals from the Periphery


Ranno Ait
Rudy Guedj
Elisabeth Klement
Karlis Krecers
Jungmyung Lee
Iván Martínez
Robert Milne
Lotte Schröder


Estonian Academy of Arts
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Werkplaats Typografie


Estonian Academy of Arts (2020–)
ArtEZ Institute of the Arts (2021)
Royal Academy of Art, the Hague (2018–2020)


frequent clients
Estonian Museum of Architecture
Het Nieuwe Instituut
Kunstverein Toronto
Rozenstraat – a rose is a rose is a rose



contact: info(at)laurapappa(dot)biz


website by Ranno Ait

Casco Art Institute

Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons
Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory
Signage for Optic to Haptic Cinema and Actions carriers


Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons was an exhibition held at Casco in Utrecht that marked the institution’s transition into an institute for the commons.


In collaboration with Lotte Schröder
Photos by Niels Moolenaar, Casco